Something Happen to my Heart~

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I quoting this from Franky..
"Cinta hanyalah sebuah kata sampai seseorang datang dan memberinya arti"
"Love is just a word until some1 came in and give its meaning"

it's true i think..
to some, love is just or simply a word..
but to some, love has its own meaning and definition..
some says beautiful, some says sweet and many more..
so my dear, wat's ur definition?

it's a wonderful feeling that I dun regret experiencing..
a simple (: and Hi can make my day..
a missing sms can spoil my day..
my life is depending on all this?
Hari! go get a life?!

is it time for a change?
but do i even have the courage to make that changes?
waiting for you is like waiting for a drop of rain in a drought..
tat's just the reason y i hate 'waiting'..

okie.. im like gonna start posting picts again! hahas..
this LT head over here, called CHRISTOPHER wong, started the SPAMMING game..
as evidence, this is the pict!
and some idiot start spamming.. this was yesterday.. by today, it exceeds 200 comments...
i apologised to those who were tagged.. i noe it sucks.. to delete emails.. hahas.. i had my share!

aniwaes, anyone watched soccer last nite? hahas! I DID! I DID! lols
luckily i fall asleep after 1st half.. lols.. here's the score!
so today.. instead of spending the day studying or doing assignment... i end up cleaning the house... again, im like not doing any justice to my right shoulder.. i carried heavy newspaper and blah blah.. haiz.. wen i wanna put my salonpas on my shoulder i realised that im left with only 1 pair!!! ARGH!hahas.. i found lots of candles juz now.. so decided to play ard with it.. haiz.. am i tat bored?! LOLS

i was also clearing my CDs and posters.. i didnt noe i had TAT many posters.. lols..
and i juz wanna show my SS501 CDs.. hahas.. my LOVE!~ lols..
at night, im supposed to go out and eat arh!~ but it got cancelled at the very last min..
so, all tat i could do is EMO at home.. LOLS!~ while emo-ing, my mum's colleague came.. wah! she D*** KPO can? wanna see the kitchen, wanna see my room and all.. URGH!~ but okie larh!~ she's quite nice and she also brought lots of FRUITS~ HAHAS..

got boread again.. i went to play with my ee-yor!~ hahas.. my precious!~ LOLS
i think IM CHILDISH nowadays! hahas! *looking ard* where's the MATURED mii? hee (:

okie.. im wearing my FO shirt.. lols.. i kept wearing RED today.. this morning i was wearing the i-support shirt.. LOLS... RED is LOVES!~ <3>

im ending this post with lots of korean words that i learn today..
i put the translation there also.. go check out! hahas! =DDD

I'm currently addicted to this song title Something Happen to my Heart..
I just got it's korean lyrics juz now.. and im like so gonna romanised it tonite.. hahas.
now, i can read korean words at a faster speed liao!~
but still, lots of words, i still dun understand.. hahas...

and i finally catch up with some of the dramas tat i used to watch..
it's like ever since FO, i totally stopped watching dramas and variety show..
and im like gonna control my addiction.. coz time is running fast on mii..